Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Richard and the flock (Wordful Wednesday!)

This is our rooster, Richard. Pearl hatched him out at school this spring. When she brought him home she said that his name was Richard and now as I talk to other people who got some of the chicks from school, they also have one named Richard. Smart teacher, I think she named them ALL Richard! He is a silver laced Wyandotte and so far has been very much the gentleman. Ginny the Guinea can been seen in the background, that is for Ken, he laughs because there always seems to be an animal in the background of my pictures!
Evelyn especially enjoys the chickens and she checks for eggs for me about 16 times a day!

The chickens are still laying well dispite the shorter days, we did put light in the coop as they lay better with 12 - 14 hours of light. We are anxiously awaiting our first egg from our "Easter Eggers" Pearl picked out two Easter Egger pullets last time we visited our chicken lady and we are hoping for some green or blue eggs from them. Our dog, Banjo, is finally leaving the chickens alone, although I did catch him with an egg the other day, better an egg than a $6.00 chicken! Good boy, Banjo!


Unknown said...

good pictures, Ken liked Ginny. I am taking a break from the bags--only 3 pin pricks so far and no smashed fingers so I am doing well.

Lani Robertson said...

Richard does look like a strapping rooster! How fun it must be to have your own chickens! :)

Anonymous said...

Good morning...
I needed to check the blog for some uplifting news and there is was. Richard and Ginny...somehow it maybe should be Michael and Ginny, but Richard is very handsome. I can hardly believe that the pup has sworn off chickens...our siberian has a very high need to at the very least chase chickens, and that isn't always a happy ending.

Have a great day..Janet

Lani Robertson said...

hey girl,

how are you? i miss reading your blog posts! how did your sister like her bracelet?

lani :)

p.s. i saw the picture of your hubby in the paper! :)