Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Busy Busy

Wow, we've been busy! Here are some pictures to show what we've been up to...
First, Pearl with a blue ribbon for the long jump at Field Day.

Next, Royce at the lake eating a sandwich.

And, unfortunately, no good picture of Evelyn, but here is what follows me around when I go outside, our meat birds.

The grand finale, Banjo showcasing our wysteria in bloom. What do you think Annie, could he be a guest contestant on Pugject Runway?

Cookies and cream

Here is the new baby!! Finally, after years of waiting we have fresh milk, yummy! The kids named the baby Oreo, he is a bull calf, 1/2 Jersey and 1/2 Holstein. Here is a picture of him just after birth (which I missed) and one of him today, 5 days old.